Case Study: How (formerly MBU) Got Creative

A creative marketing agency was spending hundreds of hours completing repetitive tasks—costing them time and money. Here’s how F12.nets (formerly MBU) WORKanyPLACE system saved the agency more than $52,000 in a single year.

The Client
A creative marketing agency focused on establishing and expanding brand partnerships.

The Problem
The agency creates “dockets” for each client, which requires input from several departments within the company. Each docket took about six hours to create, at a staffing cost of $70 per hour. It also left some highly confidential material exposed.

MBU’s Solution
We saw an opportunity to streamline the agency’s workflow, create automated systems and cut costs. First, we moved the agency from their in-house IT infrastructure to a cloud-based environment. This shift meant that we could implement our WORKanyPLACE ecosystem and start to create automated forms, reducing the dependency on human labour as well as the time required to create each individual docket. We also created a Teams channel, which allowed staff to collaborate on dockets and work simultaneously, always providing access to the most recent version of files and regularly backing up data. Now, when a docket is created, key repetitive information is automatically inputted into the docket, and team members are alerted so they can begin collaborating as needed. As an added benefit, the cloud-based system offers heightened security and a reduced dependency on IT support.

Return on Investment
The company’s former in-house infrastructure cost $12,200 per month. The shift to a cloud-based ecosystem reduced that yearly cost to $10,000 per month for a total savings of $26,400 every year. The original docket system required about six hours of manual labour at a cost of $70 perhour. By the end of 2020, the agency estimated that they had saved 375 hours in docket creation, for a total savings of an additional $26,250.

Total cost savings: $52,650.

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