Top-Rated Nelson IT Company,
A – 1016 Seventh Street, Nelson, BC V1L 7C2
Tel: 1-866-F12-8782

Looking for a Nelson IT Company?
Our Nelson Location Offers Our Full Range of IT Services
Suppose you want to spend more time taking advantage of technology’s benefits and less time managing its complexities. In that case, you need a Nelson IT company that understands your business just as much as the IT that runs it. We are the one-stop shop for Nelson IT companies.
We can support your IT department or be a fully outsourced solution, which is why we are among the top Nelson IT companies. Check out the full range of IT services available through our Nelson office.
IT Services to Empower Your Success
Let’s Explore Your Business Needs.
F12 in Nelson, British Columbia
Our Nelson location
Some Background on Our Nelson Location
Our Presence in British Columbia
Careers at F12 in Nelson
Our Nelson Location
Nelson, BC
V1L 7C2
Tel: 1-866-F12-8782
Some Background on Our Nelson Location
Sitkum IT Managed Services has been a leading Nelson IT company since 2011, delivering proven solutions to many organizations in diverse verticals across the Kootenay region. After developing a longstanding relationship in the Trust X Alliance community, Skitkum joined F12 in 2017, combining our elite services and talented teams.
Our Nelson office serves the West Kootenay region of southeastern British Columbia.
Our Presence in British Columbia
F12 has a wide footprint in British Columbia. In addition to being a Nelson IT company, we also have offices in Vancouver, Courtenay, Victoria, and Vernon. Over the last ten years, local businesses with decades of history in BC’s technology sector have joined the F12 family, deepening our roots in the province. We are excited to continue helping companies in BC thrive with our comprehensive IT programs.
Careers at F12 in Nelson
We believe in accessible IT solutions for businesses, friendly relationships with clients, and high standards for professional accountability.
Complementary Whitepaper
The Challenge Facing IT Leaders: With IT companies experiencing the highest turnover and lowest job satisfaction, it is time for tough love. Most technology leaders are not doing a bad job; they are stuck doing the wrong job.