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Microsoft Copilot AI

Responsibly and safely harness the immense power of generative AI to supercharge productivity

F12 Services for Microsoft Copilot AI

The AI Revolution Has Arrived

We are in the midst of the greatest business disruption of our generation, and every revolution creates winners and losers. Expertly navigate the AI landscape with F12’s Microsoft Copilot AI Services. Gain tailored guidance and deployment services to empower your business transformation while avoiding potential risks.

Benefits of Microsoft Copilot AI

What is Copilot for Microsoft 365?

Copilot for Microsoft 365 is a cutting-edge AI platform that enhances the productivity of businesses. It seamlessly integrates with Microsoft’s suite of applications, utilizing corporate data to provide intelligent insights. Copilot rapidly analyzes emails, files, meetings, and more, automating routine tasks and fostering collaboration. When properly deployed and adopted, Copilot will save time and amplify creativity, transforming organizations through it’s immense capacity to empower people.

  • Boost Productivity
  • Unleash Creativity
  • Enhance Skills
  • Automate Tasks
  • Save Time
  • Protect Commercial Data
  • Drive Adoption
  • Facilitate Collaboration
  • Uncover Insights
  • Disrupt Competition

F12's Microsoft Copilot AI Services

F12 supports organizations throughout their AI journey, guiding them from initial exploration to full-scale exploitation of AI capabilities

Readiness Assessment

Evaluate your business case, current environment, data security controls, and user readiness to adopt Copilot AI.


Identify and mitigate potential data exposure risks for a smooth Microsoft Copilot AI implementation.


Seamlessly deploy Microsoft Copilot AI and drive adoption to your workforce with our professional assistance.


Implement ongoing security measures, compliance protocols, and data management practices to protect users and data.

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Microsoft Copilot Bootcamp

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The Challenge Facing IT Leaders

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How is Copilot for Microsoft 365 different from regular Copilot?
  • What is the difference between Copilot Pro and Copilot for M365?
  • What is Microsoft Copilot Studio?
  • What is the Microsoft 365 Graph?
  • Do I need Microsoft Copilot?
  • Is Copilot Better than ChatGPT?
  • How much does Microsoft Copilot cost?
  • What are the risks from enabling Copilot for M365?
  • What is Commercial Data Protection for Copilot?

Copilot versus Copilot for Microsoft 365

Copilot is a generative AI service that operates on data from the public web, specifically within the Bing search index. It does not access organizational resources or content within the Microsoft 365 Graph, such as documents in OneDrive or emails.

On the other hand, Copilot for Microsoft 365 adds the capability to reason over an organization’s work content and context, integrating AI into the day-to-day operations and enhancing productivity by automating tasks, providing intelligent insights, and preparing for meetings. It is designed for business contexts and uses an organization’s ‘graph’ for grounding, making it a more robust version of Copilot, tailored for enterprise use.

Copilot Pro versus Copilot for Microsoft 365

Copilot Pro is a “web-grounded” version of Copilot, providing AI-powered assistance to individuals. It offers a range of features such as faster performance, priority access to GPT-4 models, and AI image creation capabilities. It’s suitable for personal use or for those who need AI assistance with information found exclusively on the public web.

Copilot for Microsoft 365, on the other hand, is an enterprise-grade solution that integrates deeply with Microsoft 365 and leverages an organization’s ‘graph’ for grounding. It allows users to chat with Microsoft Copilot, which can reason over work content and context, providing a more comprehensive set of features for businesses, including integration with various Microsoft 365 apps and priority access to the latest AI models.

Microsoft Copilot Studio

Microsoft Copilot Studio is a powerful, low-code conversational AI platform introduced in November 2023. It enables users to extend and customize Copilot for Microsoft 365, allowing the creation of personalized AI models and copilots tailored to specific needs.

With Copilot Studio, users can build and maintain AI-powered conversational interfaces using large language models and additional knowledge sources, all running within the Copilot Studio service. It’s designed for both internal business use and external customer-facing scenarios, providing a graphical interface for creating chatbots without coding. The platform includes features like GPT-based capabilities, entities, variables, and analytics, making it a versatile tool for any organization looking to harness the power of AI for communication and interaction

The Microsoft 365 Graph

The Microsoft Graph is a comprehensive developer platform that connects various services and devices within the Microsoft ecosystem. It serves as Copilot for Microsoft 365’s gateway to data and intelligence in Microsoft 365, offering access to a vast amount of data across Microsoft cloud services.

A key aspect of Microsoft Graph is its commitment to data security. It protects access to data by operating under the principle of least privilege, meaning it only uses the permissions granted by the user. This ensures that applications and services can only access the information they are explicitly given permission to, thereby safeguarding user data and respecting privacy. Microsoft Graph’s security model is designed to give users and organizations control over their data while enabling powerful integrations and insights

Why Adopt Microsoft Copilot

Whether you need Microsoft Copilot depends on your specific needs and how you use Microsoft 365 applications. Copilot for Microsoft 365 is an AI-powered tool that can help automate routine tasks, provide intelligent insights, and enhance collaboration within your organization. It can analyze emails, files, meetings, presentations, chats, and events to save time and boost creativity. If these capabilities align with your goals to improve productivity and streamline workflows, then Copilot for Microsoft 365 could be a valuable addition to your toolkit

Difference between Copilot and ChatGPT

Copilot for Microsoft 365 allows you to chat with Microsoft Copilot, which can reason over your work content and context. It’s designed to help you quickly get up to speed on projects, collate information across your content, create new content from multiple sources, and prepare for upcoming meetings.

ChatGPT does not have access to your corporate data and does not offer commercial data protection for the prompts and data with which it interacts.

Microsoft Copilot Costs

For businesses, bringing Copilot to your organization with a Microsoft 365 Business Standard or Business Premium subscription starts at CAD $40.70 per user/month with an annual commitment. Additionally, Microsoft Copilot Studio, which allows for the creation of personalized AI models and copilots, is priced at CAD $271.40 for 25,000 messages per month.

Please note that these prices are subject to change and it’s always best to contact F12 or the official Microsoft website for the most current pricing.

Copilot for Microsoft 365 Risks

Copilot is a powerful assistant that can rapidly review and analyze all corporate data accessible by any requesting individual. That is powerful, but raises important concerns.

Security Vulnerabilities: Improper permissions within Microsoft 365 can lead to uncontrolled dissemination of sensitive data, raising the risk of breaches and potential compliance penalties

Data Quality and Organization: The effectiveness of Copilot’s AI algorithms depends on high-quality, well-organized data. Inaccurate or disorganized data can lead to poor decision-making and business outcomes.

Inaccurate Data Classification: Sensitivity labels need to be precisely applied to secure data, and documents created by Copilot do not automatically apply these labels from their source materials

It’s essential to conduct a thorough Security and Readiness Assessment before adopting Copilot for Microsoft 365 to ensure that the organization is prepared to mitigate these risks.

Commercial Data Protection

Commercial Data Protection for Microsoft Copilot is a feature that ensures both user and organizational data are protected when using Copilot. This feature ensures that prompts and responses aren’t saved, Microsoft has no eyes-on access, and chat data isn’t used to train the underlying large language models, differentiating it from Copilot for Microsoft 365, which has access to organizational data in the Microsoft 365 Graph.

Commercial data protection is generally available for most Microsoft 365 and Office 365 work and school licenses at no additional cost.

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