Stay Protected with Managed Security Services

Managed Security Services complement your in-house team, delivering expert protection without the need for additional hires.
Male dentist working on a laptop in his office

Managed Security Service Provider

Bridging the Cyber Security Talent Gap to Protect Your Business

The global shortage of skilled workers is real, and it’s hitting cyber security hard. By 2030, the world could be short 85 million workers, with four million urgently needed in cyber security alone (World Economic Forum’s Strategic Cybersecurity Talent Framework). Attracting and retaining top talent is increasingly difficult, yet essential for keeping your business safe. That’s where Managed Security Services come in. You get immediate access to a dedicated team of experts who will monitor, manage, and protect your IT infrastructure around the clock—so you can focus on growing your business, knowing that your security is in expert hands.

Detailed Services Section

Comprehensive Managed Security Services

Continuous Monitoring and Threat Detection

Incident Response and Management

Vulnerability Management

Compliance and Regulatory Management

Security Awareness Training

Managed Firewall and Network Security

Comprehensive Managed Security Services

Our MSSP solutions cover all aspects of cyber security, ensuring your business remains protected and compliant.

Continuous Monitoring and Threat Detection

Benefit: Identify and respond to threats in real-time. Feature: Implement 24/7 monitoring and advanced threat detection systems to catch and neutralize threats before they impact your business.

Incident Response and Management

Benefit: Minimize damage and recovery time during a security incident. Feature: Develop and execute rapid incident response plans to handle breaches effectively and restore normal operations swiftly.

Vulnerability Management

Benefit: Identify and mitigate security weaknesses before they can be exploited. Feature: Regular vulnerability assessments and timely patch management to keep your systems secure.

Compliance and Regulatory Management

Benefit: Ensure your business meets industry standards and regulations. Feature: Implement security measures that align with regulations such as PIPEDA, GDPR, and HIPAA, and maintain compliance through continuous monitoring.

Security Awareness Training

Benefit: Empower your employees to recognize and prevent cyber threats. Feature: Conduct regular security training sessions to educate your staff on best practices and the latest threats.

Managed Firewall and Network Security

Benefit: Protect your network infrastructure from external and internal threats. Feature: Deploy and manage firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), and intrusion prevention systems (IPS) to safeguard your network.

Woman warehouse manager working on a laptop


  • Proactive Protection: Continuous monitoring and threat detection to prevent breaches.
  • Rapid Incident Response: Minimize damage and downtime during security incidents.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure adherence to industry standards and regulations.
  • Employee Awareness: Equip your staff with the knowledge to prevent cyber threats.
  • Comprehensive Network Security: Secure your network infrastructure against attacks.
  • Expert Management: Benefit from the expertise of our dedicated security professionals.


24/7 Monitoring and Detection

Real-time threat identification and response.

Incident Response Plans

Effective strategies to handle and recover from breaches.

Vulnerability Assessments

Regular checks to identify and fix security gaps.

Regulatory Compliance

Alignment with PIPEDA, GDPR, HIPAA, and other standards.

Security Training

Ongoing education for employees on cyber security best practices.

Managed Firewall Services

Protection for your network with advanced firewall and IDS/IPS solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP)?
A Managed Security Services Provider offers comprehensive cyber security services, managing and monitoring your security infrastructure continuously to protect against threats.
Why should I choose as my MSSP?

F12 offers comprehensive MSSP solutions with a proactive approach, expert management, and continuous monitoring to ensure your business remains secure and compliant.

How does continuous monitoring benefit my business?
Continuous monitoring allows for real-time detection and response to threats, minimizing the risk of breaches and ensuring quick action against potential attacks.
What is involved in incident response and management?
Incident response and management include developing and executing plans to handle security breaches effectively, minimizing damage, and restoring normal operations swiftly.
How does F12 ensure compliance with regulations?

We implement security measures that align with relevant regulations and continuously monitor your systems to maintain compliance with industry standards such as PIPEDA, GDPR, and HIPAA.

What is included in your vulnerability management services?
Our vulnerability management services involve regular assessments to identify security weaknesses, followed by timely patch management to address these vulnerabilities and prevent exploitation.
How does F12 handle security awareness training?

We conduct regular training sessions to educate your employees on recognizing and preventing cyber threats, promoting a security-conscious culture within your organization.

What types of network security solutions do you offer?
We provide managed firewall services, intrusion detection systems (IDS), and intrusion prevention systems (IPS) to secure your network infrastructure from external and internal threats.
Can F12’s managed security services scale with my business?

Yes, our services are designed to scale with your business needs, ensuring robust security as your organization grows.

How do I get started with F12’s Managed Security Services?

Start by scheduling a free consultation to discuss your needs and develop a customized managed security strategy for your business.

Protect Your Business

with Comprehensive Managed Security Services